Service and repair of heat exchangers

During the 1970: s and 1980: s a large number of power plants were erected in Sweden and other countries in northern Europe.
Since carbon steel tubes corrode or erode with a certain rate, the need for retubing of heat exchangers in the power plants has increased during the last decade.
This is also true for stainless steel heat exchangers in chemical and pulp and paper plants, where the fluids in general are more aggressive.

Siljan Allards are since many years working with service and repair work of heat exchangers in power plants and the process industry.

We have very skilled personnel with long experience and we are very well equipped with advanced equipment for this type of work.
We also have the following resources within the company:

Large resources and a high level of service

We are about 40 employees, including our experienced service technicians.  We also have a network of contacts for hiring 20-40 experienced people from subcontractors.
Therefore, we have resources to act fast when there are failures of heat exchangers, pressure vessels or other process equipment. At planned shutdowns of process plants, we are capable to make large overhaul jobs.

Back up by a large workshop

In our large workshop, 10.000 sqm, filled with advanced machinery and skilled people, we can perform the necessary back up work, like repair of process equipment and also manufacturing of new equipment.

Siljan Allards AB, Tel. +46(0)248-125 35
Fax +46(0)248-137 85


Norrenergi in Solna; An extensive service job was done here during the summer of 2004

Example of plants where we have replaced tubes, expansion bellows and/or done reparations during 2004-2007.