Siljan PolySave

Siljan PolySave is a computerized control system that monitors the sludge parameters and adjusts the polymer addition rate in a sludge thickening plant.

The system measures the SS-content (Suspended Solids) in the reject water of the sludge thickener, by means of an optical sensor. The Siljan PolySave is thus able to estimate the DS-content (Dry Solids) of the thickened sludge, as there is a proportional relationship between the SS-content of the reject water and the DS-content of the thickened sludge.

A uniform DS-content is maintained in the outgoing sludge, by adjusting the polymer addition rate based on the SS-content of the reject water, which will yield minimal polymer consumption and a low risk of over-dosing the polymer.

General description of the control philosophy

The control cabinet will take samples of the SS-content of the reject water at pre-destined intervals. The control system will then adjust the polymer pump to reach the set value of the SS-content of the reject water.

 - If the SS-content of the reject water is higher than the set value, the polymer addition rate is increased.
 - If the SS-content of the reject water is lower than the set value, the polymer addition rate is decreased

The process regulation is progressive, which means that a large deviation between set SS-content and actual SS-content will yield a powerful regulation of the polymer addition rate. Accordingly, a sudden change of the sludge composition is quickly compensated by the control cabinet.

Siljan Allards AB, Phone +46(0)248-125 35
Fax +46(0)248-137 85

