Static mixers

Static mixers for improved flocculation.

A mixer is used for improvement of the flocculation of the sludge, before entering the sludge thickening process.
We supply static mixers for rotary drum thickeners with capacities up to 35 m3/h.

On many sites the polymer is added before the sludge pump, however, many sludge pumps are not facilitating the flocculation in a good way. The static mixer is designed to distribute the polymer evenly in the sludge and allow for enough time for the flocculation of the sludge together with the polymer.

With the aid of a static mixer, it is much easier to control the amount of added polymer and achieve the desired properties of the sludge entering the rotary drum thickener.

Siljan Allards AB, Phone +46(0)248-125 35
Fax +46(0)248-137 85


Static mixer (Left) and conical mixer (Right)


A waste water treatment plant in Timrå, Sweden, reduced its polymer consumption with 50% after installation of our static mixers.